Ms VAGHELA (Western Metropolitan): I had the honour of representing the Honourable Marlene Kairouz, the Minister for Suburban Development, at the Pick My Project launch event for Wynbus. Wynbus is a not-for-profit community project of Point Cook Action Group focused on enabling on-demand public transport in Wyndham. Point Cook has been one of the fastest growing suburbs in Australia but has limited bus coverage. It is a similar case across multiple areas in Wyndham and other growth areas across Victoria. The Victorian government funding has been used to pilot an on-demand flexi-public transport solution for areas or routes with poor bus coverage within Wyndham. Point Cook Action Group closely collaborated with the Department of Transport, Public Transport Victoria (PTV) and multiple partners, including CDC Victoria, local transit and Xemo. Mr Senthill Sundaram, the project lead at Wynbus, informed me that the six-week pilot project had just ended and that it was a success. The service received a customer satisfaction rating of 4.8 out of 5 and a net promoter score of 79, with over 700 passenger trips completed. These scores are exceptional. Projects like this can be vital data-harnessing tools for the Victorian government. PTV could potentially use the on-demand shuttle data to plan more efficient bus routes. I believe that Pick My Project is a true win for the Victorian people.
Former Member for Western Metropolitan Region