Flemington Primary School | Adjournment & Response

Ms VAGHELA (Western Metropolitan) (16:28:35): My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Roads and Minister for Road Safety and the TAC, the Honourable Jaala Pulford. The action I seek is for the minister to provide an update to my office on how the Andrews Labor government will work with the community to deliver an upgrade of the pick-up and drop-off zone at Flemington Primary School. Minister, the Victorian budget is a budget that keeps the promises we made to the Victorian people, delivering surpluses and funding to projects that Victorians voted for and need. The Andrews Labor government is delivering the biggest infrastructure program Victoria has ever seen. Whether it is the Metro Tunnel, the North East Link, the West Gate Tunnel or the Suburban Rail Loop, we are getting on with building the road and rail projects Victorians need to get them home sooner and safer. Among many announcements made for my electorate of Western Metropolitan Region I was happy to see commitments we have made to deliver on local road and intersection upgrades. I am aware that the Andrews Labor government will be providing specific funding to deliver intersection upgrades, traffic light installations and minor pedestrian improvements across the state. I understand that these upgrades will enhance safety, improve travel times and increase amenity. Flemington Primary School in my electorate of Western Metropolitan Region is such a great school, and the parents of Flemington really value education. Prior to the 2018 state election members of the school community at Flemington Primary School raised their concerns relating to the safety of the school pick-up and drop-off zone. We made a commitment that a re-elected Andrews Labor government would provide $450 000 to introduce parallel parking, widen the footpath and install signage at the school. I was pleased to see that the 2019–20 budget has allocated $450 000 towards the construction of this project. This project is helping to boost road safety and will make it easier for people to get around in my electorate.


Ms PULFORD (Western Victoria—Minister for Roads, Minister for Road Safety and the TAC, Minister for Fishing and Boating) (13 August 2019): As part of the 2019-20 State Budget, we are pleased to have announced the funding of $450,000 on 27 May 2019 to upgrade the pick-up and drop-off zone at Flemington Primary School. The funding has been allocated in the 2020-21 financial year for design and construction. This project will improve safety and reduce congestion on Flemington Street during school pick-up and drop-off times. VicRoads and the Moonee Valley City Council will continue working together with the Flemington Primary School and the wider community to achieve the best outcomes for the community.