Ms VAGHELA (Western Metropolitan):
My adjournment matter is directed to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Minister for Mental Health, the Honourable James Merlino, MP. This adjournment matter relates to the portfolio responsibilities of education.
The pandemic has impacted all of us, including our young Victorians.
While our education system adapted quickly to the sudden change in the way education is delivered, the Andrews Labor government wants to make sure that not one school student is left behind.
Some students have thrived during remote learning; however, there is no denying some are struggling. Students who have struggled the most during the pandemic include those who have low levels of English, those who are at risk of disengagement or those with home environments not supportive of online learning.
In 2021, more than 6400 tutors in Victorian schools supported over 200 000 students across the state, thanks to a $250 million package announced in 2020.
Thousands of retired and preservice teachers came forward to support students with their studies. Dedicated and personalised learning has supported students and helped them re-engage with learning.
Now we are further supporting students by extending support. Victorian schools will receive a further $230 million to keep the tutor program going next year.
The action I seek from the minister is to provide me with an update on how students in the Western Metropolitan Region are being supported through this fantastic program.